Procrastination has me in its grips

It would be a lie to say this is the first time I’ve avoided a project that is essential to my livelihood and well-being.  I am probably more skilled in the art of procrastination than in many other of my talents.  A ninja.

I have something I want to do for me and for the people I serve.  It’s time for me to do it.  So how how how how do I get from sitting in my living room in comfy clothes, unshowered and tired from the noneffort to a stellar showing of creativity and elegant business acumen?


Is that the expectation I have?  Sounds like a set-up to me.  Sounds like I am going to be disappointed in me.

So what if I say that I could just do this creative writing project for …mmm…30 minutes?  Yes, 30 minutes and then I can go swim in the ocean and rest my head on a towel listening to the ocean.  30 minutes.

Would I be satisfied with that?
