New Year, New You: Nutrition

Go for it!

Go for it!



It’s still the beginning of the year.  You haven’t missed the deadline to begin some great habits.

I am going to offer three things you can do to change your health right now.

1.  Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water…however big or small depending on how much you like the taste of lemon.  Drink it first thing in the morning.  If it’s a small glass, follow that up with another BIG glass.  This will flush your body of fat and toxins.  It will also alkalize your body, which in simplest terms means that you will start craving healthier foods.

2.  Drink Green Juice

You have a choice in these modern times.  You can choose to jump on the green juice bandwagon or get let behind.  I say jump on!  Make a green drink everyday.  You can get powdered greens and add them to your water or buy the capsules that you can swallow.  These powdered greens are packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients that you  rarely get in a day of eating without them. 

Or you can get out the juicer and rock some kale, spinach, half a carrot or a small to medium carrot, cabbage, a green apple, celery and a cucumber.  Add in some coconut water after everything’s been juiced which will help with absorption of nutrients and add some yummy taste.  I know it can be a mess ad it can take a lot of veggies, but whatever juice you drink will boost your immune system and help your body function at an optimal level.  It’s worth it.

3.  Add roasted veggies to your menu this winter

A very simple way to get more fiber and nutrients and to fill up at dinner time is to chop a variety of veggies, put them in a baking dish, mix them with coconut or olive oil ad some salt.  Roast them in the 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  And I mean load up on these.  Be wild and have a few more than a few veggies: broccoli, leeks, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, garlic, beets, sweet potatoes, eggplant, peppers…they all taste amazing roasted and are so easy to prepare.  Try out some new flavors, turmeric, curry, and spices that would tickle your buds.  Then put a HEAPING amount on your plate and enjoy.  Keep it simple.